Monday, June 7, 2010

Grape Bowl all-weather turf construction under way

The Grape Bowl has a look it may not have seen since 1940, the year it was constructed. All the grass has been scraped off, the Everest-like crown in the center of the field has been reduced, and other parts are being smoothed and compacted before the artificial turf goes in this summer.

Wire, an old home plate and gypsum lines 12 inches deep in some places were found during the grading work. Once the dirt is properly grades, 8 inches of base will be placed on top before the all-weather turf is installed. Among the pictures below is one of the new handicapped parking spaces, with the new ramp in the background leading to the mezzanine level.

This is part of the field preparation work. The artificial turf will likely start going down in July.

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